Your homepage is where most of your visitors will first land, making it the most important part of your website. If your WordPress homepage makes a bad impression, that visitor may never come back. When you focus on making your homepage stand out from the crowd, you will be able to make the most out of your traffic. The following tips will help you make the most of your WordPress homepage so you can get people to stick around.
Don’t include a lot of external links on your WordPress homepage – no external links would be the preference. It’s possible, when linking to sites that are considered “authority sites” that they can actually drain page rank away from your site. You want to make sure your visitors want to stick around a bit and see what you have to say before you start showing them the door and windows into other websites.
Your main objective is to ensure your visitors stick around and go through the various sections of your site. The important thing you need to keep in mind is that showing them the “exit door” is giving them an invitation to leave, don’t do that if you can help it. Every visitor your site gets is an opportunity for you, so don’t distract them and show them how your site can serve them and help them out.
Another factor that can make a huge difference is having the right graphics and images. Having the best graphics on your WordPress homepage is important because the first impression needs to be the best. It’s important for all your graphics to be relevant and that they give your page a professional look. If you need to hire a designer to make your homepage look it’s best, do so because this is the most important part of your site. If people like the design of your website, then they will proceed towards the content. When you have great graphics on your homepage, you increase the stick rate of your site and increase the number of people who come back. Every visitor to your site is a potential customer and you don’t want to lose them because of a bad design.
Your WordPress homepage is the ideal place to showcase any deals or promotions you’ve currently got running. Your visitors will assume anything displayed on your homepage is important and will be more likely to check out any deals they find there. Highlight your deal by using a good banner ad or even text links. You want to not only make your homepage attractive but you also need to add external things so your readers will get a peek into the available opportunities. This way, you’ll not only grow your business, but also make your homepage more valuable.
In conclusion, I want to emphasize how important the WordPress homepage of any site is, and how you can make yours stand out of the crowd by taking a few simple factors into consideration. Apply what you’ve learned here to your homepage and you’ll start to see a difference in no time.